Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Happiness & a little "heart to heart"

     I haven't written in about a week because I've been so crazy busy! My brain is fried from all of this non-stop, end of the semester school work & finals. I still have to write a couple more pages for my "Philosophy of Life" paper and then I'll be done until February! Whoohoo! Jer got in a car accident on Sunday and he's fine but our car isn't. It's totaled :-/  I'm not excited that we're down to 1 car in the meantime & then get to embark on the frustrating task of finding a new (reliable) car... BUT thats not why I decided to blog tonight. Despite those circumstances I can't help but sit back & feel so grateful for the life I get to live! I've been so blessed. I'm married to my best friend, my kids are all healthy, beautiful & well-behaved (most of the time! haha). I have the opportunity to stay at home and raise my babies and we still have the funds to do the things we desire to do (on a budget, of course! ;) AND I can FINALLY say that in a few months our 3 year long foster care journey will come to an END and we'll be able to sign the final adoption papers! The girls will REALLY be ours! I don't deserve to be as happy as I am. It just seems like every day gets better and better. Life isn't perfect and never will be. There will always be something to work on or work towards, but I love the journey that my family & I are on. I love getting to wake up everyday with the goal to try to be a better wife & mom than I was the day before & to look for new ways to make memories with my babies. 
     I have made some terrible choices throughout my life, but have always chosen to get back up and trust that Gods plan for my life is better than my own. There have been days where I had no hope for a happier life, where I felt trapped and like I was "doomed" or "cursed." Like even if life was going smoothly, I had to hold my breath because a tragedy was waiting just around the corner. But I have come to see that those were lies. That isn't the life God wants for me or has planned for me. And even during the hard times (which are inevitable because of the fact that we live in an imperfect world) Jesus has been and will continue to be there throughout it all. Please be encouraged. Please know that you are SO loved by the God of the freaking universe. And please know that His plan for your life is more amazing than you can dream up on your own. Really. It is. 

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