Monday, November 21, 2011

The best noise in the world

Last night my family (including my in-laws) went to see Happy Feet 2. The kids loved it! Even sweet baby Joel who enthusiastically tried talking to the penguins on the screen and singing along to the songs so loud that I had to take him to the back of the theater! Us adults thought it was pretty cute, too ;) Afterwards we stopped to pick up a quick dinner and head over to my in-laws house. Jer ran into Subway while the kids and I stayed in the car. Alyssa started playing peek-a-boo with Joel and this is what ensued:
As a mom, hearing that playing and laughter is seriously the best thing ever! I don't really remember Alyssa as a baby too much (before you think I'm the worst mom ever let me explain! Alyssa & Alexis are actually my nieces. My husband and I have been raising them for the past 3 years and the adoption should be final any time now!) and it was different raising Alexis as our niece, thinking it was only temporary. But now, hearing the laughter of our baby son playing with the girls who have become mine, it's so heartwarming. It's so fulfilling. All is right in the world when the three of them are happy and smiling and playing. It sounds so dumb and cheesy, I know. But it's true. Oh geeze I love my babies! Last night just reminded me how incredibly blessed I am. I am such a lucky woman. 

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