Monday, November 21, 2011

Truth & Turquoise

On one of my "pinterest binges" I stumbled upon this old picture frame sitting in a closet. This used to be a part of a set of three wedding pictures hanging on our wall. 
It's life ended abruptly one day during a fight between my husband and I. Yes, thats right. I said it. WE FIGHT! lol. One day we were blissful newlyweds and the next we were foster parents to a 4 1/2 month old (Alexis was born a week after our wedding) and a 3 1/2 year old. It wasn't easy. That first 2 years of our marriage were HELL. Anyway, on this one particular day the girls were at daycare and for whatever reason Jeremiah and I began to argue. It blew up like craaayyyzzzaaayyy. One thing led to another and something got thrown and smashed straight into the picture. Now, I'm not condoning this behavior at all. Just being honest! (My marriage is full of love, MOST DAYS! haha) But this poor picture frame lived a sad and lonely life in the closet for the next 2 1/2 years until I rediscovered it rummaging for things to repurpose. I found this link to an earring holder on pinterest and the rest was history! This is what I started with:
Thats a roll of mesh screen door liner (or whatever you call it) and the glass-less picture frame. (You can kind of see the dents on the bottom middle-left if you look hard). I sanded the crap out of the frame. Down to the bare wood. Then I Painted it with two coats of turquoise paint. I freaking love love this color. I sanded it down to give it that "weathered look." Next I cut a piece of the screen to fit the frame. Spray painted it white and then stapled it to the back of the frame after it had dried. I used the turquoise paint and a large stencil (one from the Martha Stewart Collection that I picked up at Michael's) in the center and that was it! This was the end result:
It actually looks better in person, and looking at it now I wish I would have left the screen that blackish grey color just to give it a little more rustic feel. I have some earrings to hang on it but haven't gotten around to it yet ;) This is in my master bathroom. 

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