Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thankfulness from a 6 year old

Once upon a time I had an old, brown, boring picture frame that I wasn't using. It looked like this:
 I think I've mentioned this before, but I hate letting things go to waste. So I decided to browse my beloved Pinterest for some ideas. I found a few really cute ideas but one that stood out was to make it into a dry erase to-do list. Now, thanks to my handy dandy iPhone, I don't need a to-do board. BUT that's when I got another iiidddeeeaaaaaa!! It was the beginning of November so I decided to make it into a THANKFULNESS BOARD!!! Imagine my disappointment when I found other pinterest pins that were super similar :-/ not so original afterall! Anyway, first, I sanded down the frame to the bare wood and then painted it with two coats of white paint. Then I sanded the corners and random places to give it the weathered look. I wanted the picture part to be something with fall-ish colors but nothing with a complicated pattern so that the writing wouldn't get "lost." I didn't have any scrapbook paper that was right and I didn't want to get ready and leave the house and search for the right paper and blah blah blah... So I ended up using plain white copy paper and soaking it in coffee and then letting it dry (like this:) 
Then, I used the cricut (which my lovely mother in law is letting me borrow- SHOUT OUT TO DEBY!) and cut out some some shapes and the words "Giving thanks..."
 I decided that each week one member of our family gets to have the things they're thankful for on the board. Alyssa (my 6 year old) went first... These are the things she's thankful for: 
In case you can't read the picture, it says:
1. We get to ride our bikes
2. Mommy & Daddy love us so much (aaawweee :)
3.We got to chew gum today (can you tell it's a rare occurrence? haha)
4. Mommy takes me to Starbucks sometimes
5. Our family gets to play the Michael Jackson Experience
....Seriously?! She's thankful for the Michael Jackson experience?! Haha... For those of you who don't know what that is, it's a video game on the playstation move (I think theres one for the wii and xbox as well) and you follow the moves on the screen and dance to different Michael Jackson songs. It can determine how well you're following along and thats how you get points. It's a pretty fun game. But I didn't realize it was in the "thankfulness" category?? But I guess thats a 6 year old for ya! Haha. She's too funny ;) Cracks me up... 

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